Thursday, October 22, 2015

MOBA? What the heck is that?

Let's talk video games. It's a world that used to be extremely expensive and hard to access for those of us without a job, or under 18

In today's society, there's all sorts of fun interactive games you can play with your friends locally, or with people all around the world. Now, maybe it's just me, but I love connecting with people from all over. It's amazing the different types of people you can meet.

So that brings us to this weird acronym, MOBA. Now, I've always been a console gamer--I love playing Pokemon on my 3DS or Animal Crossing on my Wii. But when it came to computer games, up until a few years ago, I was not even slightly interested. I'd hear people talking about the latest MOBA and was just like, "...what?" Maybe it is because I was purely a console game, but this was the most confusing.

What the heck is a MOBA? Honestly, it's extremely straightforward. You're on a team. You try to defend your base while the other team tries to take it. You have different characters you can play as and different optional objectives that can make your team stronger or hurt the other team and make it harder for them.

But that's not the point, at least I don't think. My point is the cost: free. Guys, there are free video games available on your computer. So when you can't get to the library to check out a new WiiU or XBox game, you can still have fun playing with your friends and it costs a total of zero dollars and zero cents. Yes, please!

Right now, the two most popular MOBA's I know are League of Legends (made by Riot) and Heroes of the Storm (created by Blizzard aka World of Warcraft). I play both because they're different enough that it's not repetitive. Heroes of the Storm also has a much quicker game time, so it's easier to play if I just have 20 minutes or so to blow off some steam.

See guys? Games don't always have to cost $80 and some times the free games can allow you to meet people all around the world!

If you play either of the above-mentioned games, what champions or heroes do you like playing the most?

I play LoL more than anything and mainly play Ashe, Nami, Amumu and Veigar these days. I do play Heroes of the Storm, too, but I'm totally a beginner, so I only play Valla regularly right now. I have to say, though, my favorite part about it isn't playing--it's that I can escape to another universe like I was reading a book and do so with my friends from all over North America. Pretty sweet, right?

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