Saturday, November 7, 2015


After speaking to a number of you guys at events and such, you've learned by now that I don't really listen to English music. I mean, I still love groups like Muse and the Beatles, and I'm a huge fan of Ingrid Michaelson (saw her in concert last year--it was fabulous!!). I occasionally listen to new American music, but it just isn't for me, you know? Kinda like some people don't like country. Though I do like some country, I have to be honest. haha

I think the draw for me is the lyrics, while they may make zero sense to you, I learned a lot of the language and they're so much more simple and lovely. It's refreshing and takes me back to the music I loved growing up in the 90s.

So I'm going to start with KPop today because I feel like most people have heard at least one KPop song, even if it is just a song by Psy. By the way, contrary to popular belief, he is definitely more popular overseas than in South Korea.

Today, I'm just going to give you some suggestions from my own experiences to try and draw you into my world of Asian music!

My first recommendation is GFRIEND. They're a new group, but they're super fresh and bubble gum pop sounding. I think they're super cute and their music is really catchy. It's kind of like the old school Britney Spears. Light, fluffy, happy music.

Then you could go for something like SHINEE. I don't listen to them, but they're huge with a lot of my friends. It's a cool guy group, I have to attach a photo because I don't know how else to explain them. They're a male pop idol group, they're totally funny and weird on TV and their music is pretty intense. Now, I don't like male groups in general--it's just not my style, but I like these guys. I was watching a TV show Taemin (2nd from the left) was in a little while back recently. He's adorable.

My third recommendation is definitely on the hip hop side of pop, which is why I'm recommending them. They're not exactly new, but they didn't really become big until this year. I'm not going to lie, their music videos are weird. I remember watching Up & Down and spent the entire time like,"What is actually going on." But the songs are great. They have a lot of rapping in them, if you're into that, and the chorus is, again, catchy. Kpop tends to do that.

Other recommendations of groups I'm a big fan of are Red Velvet, Girls' Generation, Girl's Day, April, MAMAMOO, Lovelyz, AOA, Hello Venus, Nine Muses, Dal Shabet, Ladies' Code, SISTAR...those are the main groups I try to stay on top of. In terms of guy groups, if you like one, you'll probably like most. B2ST, ZE:A, INFINITE, Block B, B1A4, BTOB (look at all these B names haha), BTS, VIXX... I could go on for hours. There's a lot. haha

Pictured Above: Red Velvet (Dumb Dumb album)

If you listen to these, let me know what you thought of them next time you're in, give me some of your music recommendations (not One Direction--I'm already recommended that a lot hahaha), or you can comment them here. :)

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